Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Proper Way to Store your Teeth Whitening Kit

It appears that many people who are eager to rejuvenate their teeth and wear a milky white smile opt for teeth whitening products in the UK. It is not difficult to use these products but you cannot take a risk with the maintenance. Cost-effectiveness in the medicine industry is a factor that can save lives by preserving medicines. Moreover, you would also not like to search for the teeth whitening gel refills in the UK constantly again.

Save yourself both time and money while improving the effectiveness of your teeth whitening products. Below are the ways to properly store your teeth whitening kit including the tray and the gel.

1. Clean the Trays after Usage

A good number of people who purchase teeth whitening products in the UK are careless with the cleaning part. After using your teeth whitening trays, wash it with cold water and a cotton swab. Dry the tray before placing it in the tray holder and ensure that there is no residue left in the teeth molds. After cleaning, place the trays in a cool and dry place.

2. Storing the Teeth Whitening Gel

The teeth whitening gel, which is the most important part of your teeth whitening kit needs to be stored in a cool dry place that is away from sunlight. You can keep the gel in your refrigerator but do not freeze. Take the gel out from your refrigerator 5-10 minutes before using to reduce the chances of insensitivity. Humidity can reduce the effectiveness of the gel and good quality teeth whitening gels in the UK are very difficult to find, so do not store your whitening gel at a humid place.

Short Tips to Preserve your Teeth Whitening Products

  • Do not overload the teeth whitening tray with the gel. It can lead to the gel seeping out from the tray and pour on your gums. This is unnecessary wastage of the gel.

  • Storing the gel in the refrigerator can increase its shelf life but do comply with the instructions given on the packaging first.

  • Keeping both the tray and the gel away from children is a good idea as the bleach in the whitening gel, if swallowed, is not good for them. Also, do not let children mishandle the whitening trays.

Bondi Smile is the top provider of teeth whitening products, gels and gel refills in the UK. Our products are certified for home use and genuine to bring quick results within a short period of time. Feel free to explore our website to get more info.

Teeth whitening products UK,Teeth whitening gel UK, Teeth whitening products online

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